Anti-wrinkle injections london

anti-wrinkle injections london

Wrinkles develop as part of the ageing process, when lost collagen and elastin weaken the skin and its supporting facial muscles. This causes over contraction of the muscles, and when combined with fragile skin, creases can begin to emerge.

For best anti-wrinkle injections london please contact us. Our aim is to reduce lines and wrinkles as much as possible whilst maintaining movement in the region so the treatment does not appear obvious. The optimal amount varies between patients and we believe that with special consideration to each individual’s anatomy we can give excellent results whilst still maintaining a natural appearance.

Please note: this may vary from person to person. All patients will have a full clinical consultation and assessment prior to treatment, tailoring it to their specific needs.

Anti-wrinkle Injections london Treatment Summary

Procedure time: 30 mins
Back to work: Immediately
Anaesthetic: None
Recovery time: None
Results: 4-7 days after treatment
Duration of results: 3 months

Frequenlty asked questions

Toxin is used to temporarily block nerve impulses to the injected muscles, preventing them from contracting. As a result, the skin in the area is not creased repeatedly. This reduced movement softens existing lines and wrinkles as well as preventing further lines and wrinkles from forming.

Toxin can be injected into many areas of the face including the forehead lines, frown lines, crow’s feet, mouth, jaw and chin.

Our expertise ensures that we can deliver this treatment in such a way that you simply look refreshed and less tired.

It’s not how old you are but how aged your skin is. If you have deep set lines, you will benefit less from the treatment. This will be discussed in your consultation during your assessment.

Anti-wrinkle injections are not usually painful; however some patients may feel slight discomfort during the treatment.

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