Vitamins - Skincredible

Vitamins and minerals are essential nutrients required by the body to function normally and are important in the growth, development, and maintenance of good health. In addition, vitamin deficiencies can lead to a wide range of health problems, including fatigue, immune dysfunction, poor wound healing and poor sleep.

These vital nutrients are usually obtained through a healthy balanced diet but can also be taken through supplementation. These supplements are available in various forms, including tablets, capsules and liquids.

However, due to the digestive process, we only absorb 20-30% of these supplements.

Intravenous (IV) vitamin therapy is a safe method of receiving vitamins, minerals and amino acids we sometimes lack, directly into the bloodstream. The benefit of this is 100% absorption and therefore, more noticeable results.

The main goal of IV vitamin therapy is to rehydrate the body whilst correcting any chemical imbalances. It can improve your personal wellbeing greatly and can be used to remove toxins, boost immunity, balance hormones and relieve stress.


HydrationHangover CureImmune Boost
Get instant hydration with 1L of IV fluid. This solution replenishes electrolytes, restores fluid balance, reduces acidity and can provide detoxification by flushing out your system.The morning after too many drinks can be unpleasant. As the alcohol works its way through your body, your liver and kidneys work to break down and remove the toxins. This leads to the uncomfortable symptoms of a hangover.Get instant hangover relief with 1L of IV fluid alongside a cocktail of B-vitamins, vitamin C and anti- sickness medication.Getting sick can knock you down for days or even weeks. In our busy lives, nobody has time for that.Even if you’re feeling healthy, an immune booting drip can help you can stay ahead of seasonal illnesses with a cocktail of vitamins, nutrients, antioxidants and natural hydration.
Cold and Flu Recovery
This IV therapy comes with a list of powerful ingredients to alleviate your cold and flu symptoms.Vitamin C helps to reduce the duration of the cold and boost the immune system, alongside super antioxidant Glutathione. Meanwhile, the cocktail of B- vitamins helps to create healthy new cells and proteins. Rehydration and a combination of anti-sickness medications help to ease the nausea and aches.


Vitamin DBiotinVitamin B12
Vitamin D is a vital ingredient for many functions in the body, such as insulin production, preventing dental problems and preventing the formation of cancer cells. Vitamin D deficiency is extremely common in the UK and can contribute to depression, osteoporosis and chronic illnesses. For best results: 1 injection every 3-6 monthsBiotin is an important B vitamin that plays a vital role in the health of your hair, skin and nails, and can help with dry skin and wound healing.Biotin deficiency can lead to hair thinning/loss, cracked mouth and dry/scaly skin. For best results: 1 injection every week or every fortnight.B12 is known for boosting energy, improving cognitive function and reducing inflammation. It is a necessary supplement in vegan and vegetarian diets.B12 is beneficial for treating the symptoms of anaemia, especially during menstruation. For best results: 1 injection every week or every fortnight.

Please note: this may vary from person to person. All patients will have a full clinical consultation and assessment prior to treatment, tailoring it to their specific needs.

Treatment Summary (IV Drips)

Procedure time: 30-45 minutes
Back to work: Immediately
Anaesthetic: Numbing cream
Recovery time: None
Results: After 3-5 days
Duration of results: 3 months

Treatment Summary (Vitamin Shots)

Procedure time: 5 minutes
Back to work: Immediately
Anaesthetic: None
Recovery time: None
Results: Immediate
Duration of results: 1 week

Frequenlty asked questions

It is safe for most people to have IV therapy as part of their lifestyle. Many people use IV vitamin therapy to cure a hangover, improve their skin clarity or improve recovery after an intense workout or sports event.

However, some are not suitable including pregnant/breastfeeding mothers, any person with a history of anaphylaxis, history of stroke, chronic kidney failure, chronic liver disease, epilepsy, thyroid conditions, or those receiving radiotherapy or chemotherapy (unless approval is given by the oncologist).

Additionally, any person taking Digoxin, has a Thiamine allergy/deficiency, Iron allergy or Rye Syndrome are not suitable.

In the UK, due to the lack of sunlight, many people are deficient in Vitamin D.

Additionally, a heavy; fast food lifestyle has also led many people to be deficient in all B vitamins, mostly gained from green vegetables. Vitamin C is a common deficiency, caused by lifestyle factors and pollution. Iron is a common deficiency in some women during menstruation. It is also common for vegetarians and vegans to be deficient in many vitamins, if not supplemented appropriately, including Iron.

Vitamin shots are quick and relatively painless injections, similar to a vaccine. Vitamin drips are also relatively painless, similar to blood tests.

It is possible to obtain all the nutrients you need from a healthy and balanced diet.

However, for most people, vitamin supplementation is necessary to treat deficiencies caused by various lifestyle and
environmental factors.

Too much of a good think can become a bad thing. Taking high doses of vitamins can harmful and even toxic in some cases. The safety of your doses will be discussed in your consultation during your assessment.

This depends on the treatment provided (drip or shot). The most frequent dosage is once weekly, however, you should tailor your IV therapy to your lifestyle and personal needs.

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